So what is heartburn? According to webmd.com, heartburn is an irritation of the esophagus caused by stomach acid. It is something that you feel within your chest, a burning sensation to be exact, like some sour and hot acid melting within from chest to throat. It was really very uncomfortable and I could very well remember that I could not relax. It also feels like some food were stuck in my throat which I would really like to throw off. Heartburn happens because of a relaxed lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which do not tighten as it should.
Hmmm... guess I have to avoid eating foods that tend to relax the LES, which are as follows: tomatoes, garlic, onions, and chocolates. My, that might be really hard to do. I am just lucky though that I am not that crazy over coffee, alcohol and smoking becasue they also make the LES relaxed. Too much acid, just like in my case, also contributes heartburn.
2 fancies:
Thanks for sharing..heartburn is the most irritating sensation one can have.
Elevating the head end of the bed can really help in all kinds of heartburn to prevent further reflux of acid.
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