August 27, 2008

How To Wake Up Early

Waking up early is one hard task for me because I usually sleep late at night, not to mention the waking intervals that I make just to feed my little boys their milk. But I have to get up as early as 5:30 am during weekdays because my daughter would be late for school if I don't wake her up before 5:45am.

Anyways, I was amused with some alarm clocks I found which are somehow insistent in waking one up during the mornings. Take for instance the Tyrant Alarm Clock - - it coordinates with your cellphone and the contact lists. Every time the alarm rings for three minutes and you still haven't woken up, it will dial a random number from your cellphone. Well, in that case, you may never wake up through the alarm clock but you would certainly be awaken by the call of your friends or whoever asking why you call at such an early time. Then there's the Alarm Puzzle Clock - - which shoots four puzzle pieces right to you and the only way to shut it off is to put back the pieces together. Well, that would be an imperfect way to start a day, picking up the pieces and putting them together. In that case, you might need a strong cup of coffee afterwards (haha!).

Another clock that would get you rolling for the day is the Shape Up Alarm Clock - - and it would let you make thirty repetitions to shut it off because it has no snooze. Oh my, what a strenuous way to start the day indeed!, although on second thought, it gives a great motivation for weight watchers like me.

Wanna wake up with the wrong foot? These clocks surely would wake you up in no time. And to do that, better have a good night sleep beforehand.

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