April 12, 2009

Tramadol For Pain

I had a gall bladder stone before, and the pain I went through every time it attacked was unbearable. It was comparable to the pain I felt when I had labor during the time when I delivered my three children. My doctor had given me some medications to take away the pain, and if I remembered it right, it was called Tramadol.

I had my bladder removed and so the stones were already taken away. But in a matter of months, I was suffering from acid reflux, the bile causing some irritations on my stomach. Again, for that predicament, I was given Tramadol for the pain.

Tramadol has been difficult to purchase here in our place. It took me a series of trips to different drug stores just to have one. Sometimes I waited for days until the stocks of the medicine arrived. If only I had known before, I would have visited the internet and buy tramadol - tramadolbluebook.com. It could have been easier for me then. At the internet, I could buy discount tramadol too. It would be so hassle-free because I could have them delivered through tramadol fedex, haha!

Now at least I would have something for the pain when my acid reflux strikes again, knowing that I could have them through the internet *winks*.

1 fancies:

Arianne The Bookworm April 16, 2009 at 2:44 PM  

naomi, this is a helpful post. my officemate recently discovered that she has gall bladder stones and is due for an operation next week, but she opt to have second opinion from other doctors. i'm praying that everything will be okay with her. reading your blog, i think i can at least tell her about Tramadol.. maybe it has been recommended to her too.. thanks!

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