December 7, 2008

Acne, Acne Go Away!

Long before I gave birth with my three kids, my friends and acquaintances have always admired my fair skin. It has been very much of a compliment to my shiny and glorious hair back then. Sigh. . . those were the days and it is just frustrating to think that they are over now, or are they?

Aside from the problem with my hair, I also was having a hard time figuring out some ways for an acne treatment. There's not much success really and if only you could see my face at this moment, the adjective "smooth" is far from the description. Some of my friends say that i may be allergic to some chemicals I put on my face, but I really am not fond of wearing make-up so that is out of the question. I guess all these small circles growing on my face are due to the fact that I sleep late at night. Oh well, whatever the causes are, I have got to search for acne treatments that work so that to resolve this dilemma.

Without a doubt, the internet has a lot of sites that offer acne treatment reviews. I should be lucky when I find the best solution for my face very soon for Christmas!

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