March 20, 2008


I didn't have a good sleep last night.

My youngest son did his usual bother as he was asking for his ration - - milk - -and so I dutifully obliged to prepare the mixture and handed it to him for his consumption.

That was just alright, as I would have just gone back to sleep. But then, there was this creature that started to make his appearance to which really disturbed me and left me scared... cockroach!

The cockroach was crawling on the wall just above us, and I managed to grab my husband's slippers ready to slap at it. I did not bother to wake my husband anymore, since he was drunk earlier and had dozed off very deeply. It was unfortunate for me because as I was going to plunge the slipper to the wall where the cockroach situated, my son woke up again and moved, which has somehow distracted me. That gave the cockroach to run off and land on my husband's hair. Whew!

As much as I wanted to kill the cockroach, I just made no more effort anymore. But being scared of cockroaches really made me uneasy last night. I have slept, yes... but every now and then, I woke up just to see if it was starting to roam the room again.

I do hope it will not bother me tonight.

2 fancies:

aL|e March 22, 2008 at 7:11 PM  

waaaaaaa.... i hate cockroach... ewwwww... nakakadisturbo talaga sa pagtulog at nakakatakot!

neiyomee March 22, 2008 at 7:18 PM  

as in...

i really hate their presence...

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