January 5, 2011

Welcoming 2011

2010 has finally made its grateful exit and I realized that time flies so fast indeed. 2011 is now on its take off and this year marks my 10th year as a married individual, my 12th year as a government employee, and my 34th year of human existence.

Now that the New Year is here, we really never know what blessings and challenges we might be facing as the days go by. Everyday is a wonderful surprise for us so it is best to live one day at a time in order to fully cherish the moments that go along the way. Meanwhile, we are often asked for our resolutions for the new year, which are sometimes mistakenly deemed as wishes. Personally, my resolution would be to no longer make new year resolutions, but just to organize things for myself this year, I am jotting down some items which I think I need to give attention to or continue to pour out more time for. Here are my resolutions for the New Year:
  1. Get my kids the occupational therapy that they need.
  2. Focus more on my online endeavors so as to expand my income streams. I realized that if we rely only on our monthly income from our work, then we would be having a hard time meeting all our monthly expenses (and wants).
  3. Shed off more (and more) excess weight. I shouldn't be dragging this here on this post since I have been ranting about this a lot of times already. Anyway, I think I need to sweat out for at least 30 minutes a day and cut back on rice and other carbohydrates-rich foods. This will be a great struggle to undergo but I have high hopes that I will be able to carry this out this year.
  4. Smile very often. This is a very simple thing to do, which I usually overlook on a lot of instances. Smile is an effective method of keeping a cheerful disposition and it's free.
  5. Eat more fruits and vegetable. I have already started this last year and planned to continue doing so in the next years to come. My system is slowly adapting to the change the eating of fruits and vegetables has brought about and I am actually seeing magnificent results.
  6. Consider entrepreneurship and start a business. I wanted to become an entrepreneur for a long time and this year, I wanted to pursue that dream. Well, it's nothing big really and I will start at small things - - a step a time that is.
  7. Read more books. I have been an avid reader in my high school and college days and now that I got married and have kids, I was not able to find time to read anymore. Thanks to some book-lover blog friends, I made a list of books worth reading that will soon find their way to my shelf.
I am intentionally putting them here for my friends and my visitors to see so I will be inclined to totally practice them. So easy and simple as they may seem, I know I couldn't do all these things without the grace of our Lord. I pray that He will bless this year for me and my family financially, spiritually, physically and emotionally. I am welcoming the new year with wide open arms and with the wish that each and everyone will be prosperous and blessed as well.

So what's your New Year's resolution?

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