November 5, 2010

New Couch

We need a new couch.

I pity the one we have right now because some portions of it were already torn, courtesy of my two sons who always jump, stomp, glide and run through it. It is another hand-me-down item I got from my parents since they bought another set for their living room. It still looked very neat and great when we have it transferred to our new home though, but now rips and tears were already visible.

I will still try to save it, there are a number of furniture shops out there who offered repair and upholstery services, otherwise we will get a new one. Those rips and tears were clear indication that a new western furniture should be in place at our living room this time. This therefore calls for another money-saving endeavor, and with bonuses coming forth in the next days, maybe this will be quite possible at all.

Oh well, I'm keeping my hopes up. This couch replacement surely is included in my wish list for Christmas.

1 fancies:

Billig Angebot November 8, 2010 at 3:28 AM  

wow you definetely need a new couch... :-))

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