January 23, 2008

Bye Heath ledger.

I have always liked this young guy. The films he starred in were really very nice and I watched them over and over again, like the 10 Things I Hate About You and A Knight's Tale.

In 10 Things..., I have liked it so much that I wished for quite a period of time that he would end up with Julia Stiles in real life... It was a kind of flick that is so young, so amusing... it was targeted for the teens but even matured audiences would get entertained. Truly a great performance Heath has given out there.

In A Knight's Tale, it was also fun. Heath never ceased to amuse me in that movie... together with his group. Of course not to mention the fact that he was really gorgeous in the film.

Cassanova was also fun...and his performance in The Patriot was really touching. Watching him as Mel Gibson's son has made me cry... especially on the dying scene.

I really felt bad on his demise. It was something that is so wasted... meaning such a talented young being no longer be seen on the screen. A huge sigh came out from me upon learning of the shocking news... not a sigh of relief... but a sigh of sorrow. Heath is such a big loss in the showbiz industry.

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