January 20, 2009

Dental Care

My teeth were no longer the same since I became pregnant with my first baby. It became worse all the more when I became pregnant again and again with my second and third. I really don't know the actual fact behind those conditions, but I just observed that my teeth were at their weakest during the times of my pregnancies.

My teeth are one part of me that I am so much anxious about. I have undergone orthodontic procedures when I was still in college, but everything came to naught since I could not do the regular visits due to reasons I already now forget. Guess I have to avail another round of dental services all over again.

I came across a website and was amazed at the services that they offer, like TMJ treatment, teeth whitening, cosmetic dentistry, tooth fillings, dental implants and bad breath treatment. Cosmetic dentistry interested me the most, especially since my front teeth have moved far apart, which is the reason why I hardly give a flashing smile to people. This Beverly Hills dentist has got a number of very competent ans skilled staff. For over 25 years of dental practice, the experience they acquired are already deemed outstanding. Plus, they got the state of the art equipments, a guarantee to clients on their great services.

If only I am near them . . .

2 fancies:

Anonymous January 21, 2009 at 8:28 PM  

I actually noticed the same with my teeth. I asked my dentist and she said it's because the baby inside the tummy gets all our calcium when we're pregnant that's why we have to drink milk to replenish it. I was not so fond of milk so this kind of forced me to start drinking milk.

neiyomee January 26, 2009 at 6:47 PM  

me too . . . I am not really fond of drinking milk. Maybe that is why it made my teeth weak.

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