January 11, 2009

Caring For Your Toe Nails

When I was still a kid, I don't usually show off my feet. Every time my mom and I would shop for a footwear, I always go for those closed shoes. The reason why I disliked the use of sandals way way back was because I was afraid to show my toe nails, which were not really taken good care of. I really envy those classmates of mine before, whose feet were all so tidy and white. Well, that was the past and all behind me now.

Now I am so much in love with flip flops, that I sometimes even wear them in the office. Not that my feet is now so heavenly-looking, but at least it has improved a lot as far as cleanliness is concerned. I now go to foot spas and pedicures but thank God I don't have to undergo toenail fungus treatment in my case.

I had a friend once who had this fungi problems and whose nails were in yellow. Some of those nails got thicker and really bad to look at. Well, if only I had known about the nail fungus treatment long ago, then I would have given her such advice.

It is said that nail fungus takes a long time to be removed. Therefore, it is best if we take precautionary measures and spare from the dilemma. Here are some tips:

  • Keep your nails short, clean and dry.
  • When using public facilities, always wear protective shoes.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet for a strong immune system.
  • Don't pick at the skin around your nails.
  • Use anti-fungal powders and sprays in your shoes.
  • See a doctor and get a toe fungus treatment.

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