October 19, 2008

Our Ideal Bathroom

We are often asked in the past who would be our ideal mate? We have answered those questions again and again, especially in autographs and slum books ( I remembered so well the goosebumps that I felt while jotting down the answers).

But that was the past. I have found the ideal man 10 years ago and has been married to him for 7 years. That is no longer our main concern for the moment as we have each other to cherish. Now that we have a family, it is imperative for us to find our ideal home. We are still living with my parents and the thought of having our own home is a priority that we have to attend to.

Hubby is particular with a great kitchen, because he loves to cook! But I would really want to have a great bedroom and bathroom, because I consider them my private nook. I could have a peaceful rest and relaxation in the bedroom while I do most of my private things in the bathroom.

Now the question lies on how to obtain my ideal bathroom. That is not even a bother since bathroom suites are available on a lot of stores, even online. With great sale discounts, one could have big savings from wonderful bathroom suites and fixtures. And betterbathrooms.com have just got the splendid items fit for my ideal bathroom, at sale!

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