February 16, 2009

Pressure and Stress

I have a deadline to meet - - at work. Well, I am only 50% done with the task and it is due this Thursday. Auditing is one job that I love the most, but when I am put on the edge, pressure sets in. Of course, stress could not be avoided, especially if you are determined to provide your very best quality of output at such a very limited span of time.

The deadline is only 2 days away and thankfully, I tried not to be affected with the pressure at all. I have to handle this stress well, otherwise I will be seeing some lines on my face.

It is important to remember that we should leave all work issues and concerns in the office. We have to put them down for a moment before they become heavier and heavier in our hands. Take time to refresh and once doing so, we can always go back and pick up those issues again. No matter how light those burdens may be, if we always hold them in, they would become heavy in time. Just like holding a glass of water - - its 8 oz weight may be nothing but very light, but if we hold them all the time, they would be increasingly heavy. This also applies to any burden we have in our lives, not just the work.

Well, for the moment, I am putting down my burden at work and unwind here in my blog, lol!

1 fancies:

Anonymous February 19, 2009 at 3:00 AM  

How do you feel when you have to take a week off of work? and all of your clients decide that they would like to talk to you that week - thats' fun.....

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