May 1, 2008

Holding Hands

I personally find it sweet to hold hands with someone you love. It gives a feeling of security, where I felt there is nothing to be afraid of because there was someone who would bravely stand by me. Especially when in public, it gave me the secured thought that my loved one is also proud of me and wants the world to know that we are together. Holding hands also gave me the sense of affection, and I could very well see that I am being loved by the way my hands are held.

Likewise, holding hands also connotes harmonious and smooth relationship with friends. Such act only reflects that a person is comfortable and at ease with the friend and the touch reaffirms the strength of their friendship.

Moreover, I am also amazed how my kids want me to hold their hands. I felt their trust unto me and the feeling to protect and comfort them is overwhelming. I could see the difference how they walked alone and with me holding them. There is this sense of assurance within themselves as well as direction. it is also important as the kids are guided through.

But whoever you held hands with, different emotions are felt. Hand holding surely is a heart-connected activity. We experience varied sensations every time we hold hands with our parents, siblings, and kids - - to friends - - and to loved ones.

Share your love to those close to you. Hold their hands.

2 fancies:

-edz- May 8, 2008 at 5:15 PM  

just the other day I saw an old couple holding hands from a building to the parking lot. it was really a wonderful picture to look at especially from where I live right now. they probably grew old loving each other. i wanted to take a picture of them from the back but ended up not doing it. hehe

JonaBQ May 9, 2008 at 3:06 PM  

holding hands with your loved ones indeed feels good....great post!
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