December 17, 2008

Taking Care of Your Hands

We do all our work with our hands. Whether we are doing a very physical task, or just simply blogging, our hands is always involved in the process. So, wouldn't you like to pamper it once in a while and give them a treat? There are a lot of services that offers the best treatment for the hands, but we can also do it on our own, right at the comfort of our abode.

Here's the basic simple recipe . . . and all you need is tablespoon of sugar and a lemon. Give it a try and here's how:

  • Pour about one tablespoon of granulated sugar in the palm of your hand.
  • Squeeze enough lemon juice from a fresh lemon wedge to make a paste.
  • Rub your hands together in a rotary motion, either clockwise or counterclockwise.
  • Continue rubbing. The heat of your hand will melt the sugar to become a candy glaze.
  • Work this glaze up and over each finger and over the back of each hand.
  • Leave the glaze in your hands for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse your hands with warm water. Pat your hands totally dry with a soft paper towel.
Due to some hectic schedule that I am in at the moment, I was not able to try this procedure yet. But I will. In the meantime, you can do so and see for yourself the results.

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