November 14, 2008

Letter Puzzle

Hubby and I were having fun with this text message he received from his office mate. It is a puzzle concerning letters wherein we were required to fill in the whole word the letters represent. Well, it made us think hard for the answers and after some few minutes or hours (we haven't noticed eh!), it's all done.

I thought of sharing it here too, for those who are fascinated with letter puzzles. Complete the phrases given:

Example: 24 H in a D
Answer: 24 hours in a day

  1. 7 D a W
  2. 2 W of a B
  3. 9 L of a C
  4. 3 H of a C
  5. 12 M in a Y
  6. 9 M of P
  7. 8 T of an O
  8. 7 D S
  9. 10 Y in a D
  10. 28 D in F
  11. 7 C of the W
  12. 10 C in a M
  13. 366 D in a L Y
  14. 7 W of the W
  15. 6 S of a H
  16. 60 S in a M
  17. 26 L of the A
Try to answer them. It is a great exercise for the brain, haha!

Thinking hard? Well, don't take it seriously and just have fun!

2 fancies:

desperateblogger November 14, 2008 at 10:54 AM  

nahilo ako dun ah... but it was fun
have a great day.

neiyomee November 14, 2008 at 8:46 PM  

it made us dizzy also te lena...but nonetheless it was really fun. Good to know too that you had.

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