October 18, 2010

Getting Fit

I have decided for the nth time that I would lose weight and be fit again. I don't know if I could make it through this time but I am certainly praying I would. Last Friday marked my first day of the new diet I am doing. What prompted me to do this diet is my brother, who has lost a considerable amount of weight while undergoing the same diet. He is slimming down so much that I could say he lost about 15 lbs. So, I asked him to email me the diet plan and now I am on the fourth day of struggle!

I am glad to have undergone this diet anyway. It makes me feel light although I haven't noticed yet if extra pounds were actually shed off. I am still halfway of this 7-day plan, so I guess I just have to wait until the 7th day to see for myself if I actually lost the targeted 10 lbs. The diet consists of mainly fruits and vegetables, and I am thrilled to note that I have stayed away from rice for 4 days already (being an avid rice eater myself!). I hope I will lose about 10-15 lbs of excess weight, just as what the diet plan promised.

On top of the diet, I thought of doing regular physical exercises as well to make myself fit. I haven't been playing volleyball for over a month now due to my busy schedule but I planned to have at least 30 minutes of dance exercise daily at home just to sweat out. I already have a lot of dance songs ready, all that is lacking is my time, lol! As soon as my hectic schedule goes light, I may go over those personal training business cards I have on file and choose which one would best suit me.

I will update soon on the outcome of this endeavor. Best of luck to me!

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