August 6, 2012

Making It To 11

Last Saturday, August 4, 2012 was my wedding anniversary.  I am already 11 years married to a person who has been with me through ups and downs, who has been instrumental to the many emotions I have felt  through all the years.  Honestly, I never thought I could reach this far in my marriage life, considering that I am a kind of person who is not articulate and talkative and who might be a bore for some people.  Fortunately, my husband somehow managed to make our home really fun.

Looking back for the last 11 years, I could say that I am indeed blessed to have my family. Each of us may not be perfect in our own ways but I am confident to proclaim that we are all perfect for each other. I learned to accept the flaws and appreciate their over-all beings.  Life is not all pleasant and to date, we are still struggling to achieve our hopes and dreams for the family.  It may still be a very, very long way to go, maybe another 11 years, we really never know.  But as long as we keep our hopes up and stick together, there is no problem.

Anyway, no grand celebrations were made during the said day, just an intimate bonding with the kids made it all worthwhile.  We planned of having an out of town getaway, but it is just so hard to leave the kids behind.

2 fancies:

joy August 7, 2012 at 5:53 PM  

Happy Anniversary! May your union be blessed and be filled with more love, faithfulness and joy as the years passed by. God bless

The Complete TAO Attraction System November 2, 2013 at 1:30 AM  

Muy bueno el artículo, gracias!

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