April 4, 2009

Losing Weight Through Lap Band

Have you heard of the lap band system of losing weight? Well, it is my first time to hear of such term, thanks to the information supplied by the world wide web. It has gradually obtaining its popularity as treatment for obesity. This is really good news for obese people who are suffering a number of illnesses brought about by their physical weight condition.

I was going over some lap band testimonials from patients and I was amazed by their stories. They get to stick to their diet since their stomach get full early once they eat, because of the band fastened in their upper stomach. I saw some lap band before and after videos and was impressed.

Thankfully, I am not yet obese but as I was calculating my body mass index, it turned out that I am overweight. This is such a bad sign. Guess I have to inquire my physical weight status then with 1-800-GET-SLIM, so I could have any idea on the right thing to do.

Seems like my rigid volleyball practice is not making any good huh!

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